Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Microsoft Powerpoint Project


Take a look at my powerpoint presentation, a bit of fun with my gumboots and then a lovely slide of a set of stoneware vessels I made.

The animations ( Motion happening within the frame) and the Transitions ( Motion happening between frames ) may not be active in this link.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Electronic arts in the network with guest specker Dr Su Ballard

Wed 13 May 09
Dr. Su Ballard is a Principal Lecturer in Electronic Arts in the School of Art Otago Polytechnic. Her research focuses on digital aesthetics, visual culture, sound, and media art histories. She really likes art that experiments in the spaces between analogue and digital media, has a fondness for 1970s experimental film and video, and wrote her PhD on noise, error, frequency and materiality in digital installation art from New Zealand. She is also a curator, writer, and musician.

Today we discussed different electronic artists and how they use the internet/computer to form their art.
Two examples are :


A Short film about War is being developed into a two screen gallery installation, this should be up and running by the end of July according to Su Ballard. Thompson and Craighead are creating this film with a variety of war zones seen through the collective eyes of the online photo sharing community. Developing a film on war without leaving their room.


Another excelent example of their work is A beautifully crafted set of four tea towels sporting a series of authentic search engine results.


For this example they used phrase words "in quotes" and Googled them,
"Please help me" ,
"Is anyone there?",
"Please listen to me",
"Can you hear me?',
then the results of the engine search were printed out onto the tea towels and sold
Made by digital means, this poject has scope for me, as I am very interested in printing. Could this be printed onto clay ? How cool would that look !